Navigate to the login page
Open your web browser and add your website domain to the top address bar, adding /wp-admin/ at the end of the address. This will take you to the login page.
Follow this format:
Enter your credentials
Once you reach the login page, you’ll enter your username and password. Then click Log In. This will take you to a two-factor authentication page.
If you're setting up your account for the first time, you can click on the Lose your password? link to enter your email address and get a code to set your password. If you ever forget your password in the future, you can also use this link to reset it. You'll go through the same process—get a code that allows you to set a new password—and be able to get back into your account.
Two-factor authentication
When you first set up your account, you will have chosen to receive your two-factor authentication code via email or an app like Google Authenticator or 1Password.
Depending on which option you choose, go either to your email or to the app to get your code. Enter it and then hit Log In. You’ll be taken to the WordPress admin area.
If you forget where to get your code or have issues with your two-factor authentication, please feel free to reach out to support.
There is also an option to use a backup code; you can find this option right underneath the login box (this may be kind of difficult to see). If you saved a backup code when you set up your two-factor authentication, you can use that by click on the Or, use a backup code option. (This can also be used in an emergency case when you need to make an edit to your site very quickly.)