Using drafts for works-in-progress
If you’ve started to write a post, but aren’t ready to publish it yet, you can click Save draft in the upper right-hand corner of the editor to save your progress to come back to later.
You will be able to see this post, labeled as a draft, in your Posts tab. If you look at the top of the Posts area, you can sort by All, Published, and Drafts. By clicking Drafts, you can see only the posts that are saved but not published yet.
Using drafts to take a published post down
If you ever need to take a blog post down quickly, you can locate the post, enter the editor, and then click on Switch to draft in the upper right-hand corner.
Updating a published post
You can always go into the editor and make changes to your posts, even if they are already published. If you are editing a published post and want those changes to go live on your blog, simply click Update in the upper right-hand corner. However, if you’d like to wait, you can Switch to draft and continue to make edits before publishing it again (this will take the post down from your live site).
How to use revisions
The editor has a tool to view the revisions that have been made to a post. If you ever need to revert a published post to a previous version, this is the easiest way to do so.
Step one
Open the post you’d like to change in the editor. In the sidebar, under the Posts tab, you’ll see revisions listed. Click on Revisions.
Step two
You will be able to view the various restore points that are available for your post by manipulating the slider at the top of the screen. The slider will display the time since the version you are viewing was the published version and the user who made the changes. When you have a restore point selected, you will be able to view the changes that were made.
Troubleshooting: The revisions view is not the most user-friendly, but you should be able to see what has been changed and find the restore point you want, especially if you know when the changes were made. If you’re not sure when the edits were made, pay attention to the highlighted changes to find the things you are looking to restore.
Step three
When you’ve found the restore point you want to return to, click Restore This Revision in the upper right-hand corner. You will be taken back into the editor with the content restored to the point you selected. From there, you will be able to Update the post to your live site or Switch to draft from there and continue to make changes.
📢 WordPress Posts (Blog)